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Policies and procedures

Interim Joint Policies Bandung Campus


Deakin University (Australia) and Lancaster University (United Kingdom) take pride in their respective reputations for excellence in tertiary education and research and have entered into an innovative collaboration to increase access to their respective Award Courses in Indonesia.

Deakin University and Lancaster University have established a Foundation: Yayasan Deakin dan Lancaster University Indonesia (DLI) in accordance with Indonesian law that has been licensed to establish a joint campus in Bandung Indonesia at which each University’s Award Courses will be offered. The joint campus will be an international branch campus of each University.

Deakin University is accredited in Australia by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) (Provider ID PRV12124).  Lancaster University is accredited in England by the Office for Students (United Kingdom Register of Learning Providers: UKPRN: 10007768).  Both Deakin University and Lancaster University have authority to self-accredit their courses and operate within legislative, regulatory, and policy frameworks unique to their country of operations and policy and governance frameworks.

Deakin University’s policy and governance framework is informed by, and complies with, the legal framework which governs Australian higher education, including the following legislation and codes:

  1. Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency Act 2011;
  2. Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021;
  3. Higher Education Support Act 20023 (HESA);
  4. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF);

Lancaster University regulations and procedures, are informed by, and comply and align with:

  1. principles of good practice, including those in the UK Quality Code for Higher Education;
  2. national legislation, including the Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA);
  3. the English higher education regulator, the Office for Students and its conditions of registration, and other relevant government bodies and agencies;
  4. professional, statutory and regulatory body (PSRB) requirements.

Courses offered at DLI have been accredited by both Deakin University and Lancaster University according to their respective regulations, policies and procedures. More information about the partner universities’ regulations and policies is available at:

DLI will provide students with a consistent, high-quality experience that integrates characteristics of Australian and English higher education within an Indonesian context. DLI Joint Policies are in preparation to inform students about the policies that will shape their learning experience.

This Interim Joint Policy Framework informs prospective students about policies governing DLI and sets out plain language statements of policy foundations relevant to DLI operations. This Interim Policy Framework will be replaced by the DLI Policy Framework when finalised in 2024.

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