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Transform your future with a dual degree in Business or Information Technology (IT)
At Deakin University Lancaster University Indonesia you can receive two international bachelor degrees in three years, (based on continuous full-time study).
We have five dual degrees available in Business or Information Technology (IT).
Bachelor of Commerce / BSc Hons Accounting & Finance
Tailored for aspiring financial professionals, this program integrates 50% of modules from Deakin University’s Bachelor of Commerce and 50% from Lancaster University’s BSc Hons Accounting & Finance, setting students on a course for a promising future.
Bachelor of Business Analytics / BSc Hons Business Analytics
Embark on a transformative dual-degree journey, integrating 50% of modules from Deakin University’s Bachelor of Business Analytics and 50% from Lancaster University’s BSc Hons Business Analytics.
Bachelor of Commerce / BSc Hons Business Management
Tailored for aspiring business professionals, this program integrates 50% of modules from Deakin University’s Bachelor of Commerce and 50% from Lancaster University’s BSc Hons Business Management.
Bachelor of Computer Science / BSc Hons Computer Science
Step into one of the most exciting and dynamic industries with a dual degree that integrates 50% of modules from Deakin University’s Bachelor of Computer Science and 50% from Lancaster University’s BSc Hons Computer Science.
Bachelor of Cyber Security / BSc Hons Computer Science
Secure your digital future in a rapidly growing industry with a dual degree that integrates 50% of modules from Deakin University’s Bachelor of Cyber Security and 50% from Lancaster University’s BSc Hons Computer Science.
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