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Open doors to your future, either at home or on the world stage
Deakin University Lancaster University Indonesia is a partnership between two institutions featured in the top 200 of QS ranked universities and integrates the best of Australian and British teaching and learning.
This unique partnership offers you the opportunity of receiving a globally recognised education, in the heart of Bandung.
In the heart of the city of Bandung
A vibrant location for students
Central Bandung was selected as the location for our new Deakin University Lancaster Universities Indonesia campus.
This part of the city is a lively area that connects to the city’s history as well as contemporary life such as cafes, shops and other amenities.
It is important to us that our students receive a world class education in our classrooms, combined with vibrant energy and environment that this location will offer.
What Deakin University Lancaster University Indonesia (DLI) offers all students
Opportunity to study for two international degrees within Indonesia from two universities with considerable experience of delivering degrees overseas;
International dual degree program that enhances students’ global outlook and develops their intercultural competences;
Obtain degree awards from two highly ranked universities, including top 200 subject rankings in all 5 areas, making graduates highly employable;
Join a global network of interconnected campuses providing benefits such as an annual undergraduate research conference and a large global alumni network;
Study exchange opportunities within the framework of a 3-year undergraduate degree that enable access to the same subject material as available at the Indonesia campus;
Study within the quality assurance and flexible pedagogical frameworks of the UK and Australia, developing critical thinkers and independent life-long learners;
Research-informed teaching that takes advantage of the many research strengths of Lancaster and Deakin and embeds them in cutting-edge curricula;
All subject-specific modules taught in English, including elements of small-group teaching;
Teaching delivered by academic Faculty supported in their professional practice by educational development experts from both universities and by subject specialists based at the home campuses.
Our campus opens from September 2024
Deakin University in Australia and Lancaster University in the UK have partnered to offer you the opportunity to receive a dual undergraduate qualification from two world-class institutions while enjoying the many benefits of living and working close to home, supported by your family and friends.
Our first intake will commence in September 2025, and we are now accepting applications!
Deakin University Lancaster University Indonesia offers something different
Offering uniquely designed dual degrees in Business and Information Technology (IT), our courses are taught in English and bring together existing modules from undergraduate programs at both universities, enabling you to achieve two individual degree qualifications in one combined course.
Recognised by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia
Our dual degree courses have passed equivalency tests set out by the Ministry that confirm our courses are equal to a Sarjana degree from local Indonesian universities.
Dual degrees in Business and Information Technology (IT), with flexible entry options
The three-year dual degree options in Business and Information Technology (IT) are taught in English and bring together existing modules from undergraduate programs at both universities.
DLI also offers flexible entry points, with both direct entry and pathway options available, leading to completion in up to four years.
Study exchange for a semester each at Deakin University in Australia and Lancaster University in the United Kingdom
When you undertake an bachelor course at with us, you have the choice to study a semester at Deakin University in Australia as well as a semester at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, giving you a truly global experience.
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