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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page, here you will find answers to some of the most common questions that students have about studying at our campus. Whether you are interested in our academic programs, facilities, scholarships and student life, we hope you will find the information you need here. If you have a question that is not answered on this page, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.


How and when are the classes delivered?

Students will experience face-to-face lectures and tutorials or workshops every week. For some modules, students will also have study sessions in the computer labs. All students will be expected to prepare for  weekly classes by accessing the module material on the course digital learning site.

For more details on module and course information visit our Courses Page

Classes will commence in February 2025 into the Foundations Studies Program, and in September 2025 for the Dual Degrees.

Are the academic staff from Deakin University or Lancaster University?

Our academic staff including teachers will be a combination of staff employed locally, as well as internationally, all meeting the same teaching standards as the staff at the Lancaster University UK and Deakin University Australia home campuses.

How many students are there in each class?

This depends on the course, and the courses will include lectures, labs, and small group tutorials.

How long does it take to complete a dual bachelor degree?

Students can finish the dual undergraduate bachelor degree in three years (full time study). For more information about visit Dual Degrees page

On graduation, is the Deakin bachelor and Lancaster bachelor degree I receive equivalent to a Sarjana degree?

Yes, our courses have obtained ministry approval by passing an equivalency test which confirms all of our dual bachelor degrees offered at the Bandung campus are equal to a Sarjana degree from a local Indonesian university.

Can I study or transfer abroad?

Yes, every dual degree student has the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at each University in their second year of study – Lancaster University (Uniting Kingdom) and/or another semester at Deakin University (Australia). Visit here more information about Study Abroad Opportunities

It is important to note you can only complete a dual degree if you graduate at the Bandung Campus. If students apply for a transfer during their study, they will only be eligible for the degree from the University they are transferred to.

Is it possible for students to study in Bandung for two or three years and then move to Deakin or Lancaster main campus for the last year?

We usually suggest that students do Study Abroad in the second year of the Dual Degree, where students can study one semester at Lancaster University (Uniting Kingdom) and/or another semester at Deakin University (Australia). Visit here more information about Study Abroad Opportunities

It is important to note you can only complete a dual degree if you graduate at the Bandung Campus. If students apply for a transfer during their study, they will only be eligible for the degree from the University they are transferred to.

What is the Foundation Program and is it a recognised qualification?

The Foundation Studies Program is a preparatory year for students who require additional academic preparation before entering a full degree program at university. It is structured to bridge the gap between their current qualifications and the requirements for their chosen degree. For more information on the structure of the Foundation Studies Program visit Foundation Page

On successful completion of the Deakin University Lancaster University Foundation Studies Program students will receive a Statement of Attainment which will allow them to seamlessly transition into one of our dual degrees.

The Deakin University Lancaster University Indonesia Foundation Studies Program is not a degree-level qualification, it is a pathway program; hence, at the discretion of an institution, it may be recognised as such by other higher education institutions.


Can I apply directly to study at the campus?

Yes, you can apply directly by clicking Apply Now. If you are not sure how to apply visit our How to Apply page for some advice

I have finished high school in year 12, why do I need to take Foundation?

To join the dual bachelor degree program, you need to have an IB or A-Levels certificate if you are from Indonesia. If you don’t have these certificates, you need to take a Foundation Studies program that will help you improve your academic skills and English language skills for the Dual Degree program. The entry requirements are designed to set you up for success in our Dual Degree programs from highly ranked universities, meeting the standards of both home campuses. Click here for more information about the Foundation Studies Program.

How much do the courses cost at Deakin Lancaster Indonesia?

You can find the tuition fees for the Business and Information Technology course on the respective Course pages.

How can I become a contracted education agent?

This campus is in partnership with Navitas, one of the largest global education providers. Therefore all contracted Navitas agents are eligible to apply for their students to study at our campus. Visit the  Navitas website to find out how to become a contracted agent.


Where is the campus located and can I visit it?

The campus address is located as follows in the heart of Bandung West Java.

Jl. Moch. Toha No.77,
Cigereleng, Kec. Regol,
Kota Bandung,
Jawa Barat 40253

The campus opens it’s doors on 9th September with many events, tours and workshops occurring leading up to classes commencing in February 2025.

For more information about visit our Campus page

What kind of facilities do you have for students on campus?

The campus building has spaces for studying and socialising, a library and computer labs for general use. There is also an outdoor area for social activities. Near the campus, you can find medical and dental clinics, a Mosque, cafes, restaurants, ATMs and other services. Bandung is a city that welcomes students and has a large student community, so you can enjoy many student-friendly amenities.

For more information about visit our Campus page

Student service

Do you help with finding accommodation?

We will cooperate with local accommodation providers to help you find a suitable place to stay. For advice on student living and experience visit our Student Life section of the website.

What other services can help me find a job after graduation?

Our dedicated staff will assist students develop the skills for getting a job (e.g. writing a resume, creating a personal brand and profile). We will also organise opportunities to connect students with local employers, businesses and companies that have job opportunities, especially for our graduates.

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